A Self Help Desk

Solutions for Work Place Stresses

No matter how ideal it may seem, there is no career path without some bumps in the road. The following list contains creative ways to reboot and recharge no matter what may cause stress in your work day.  This list should help you be as productive as possible! 



1. Healthy Office Snacks

Avoid any type of office food (unless it’s full of protein and fiber).

Refuse to eat any food out a vending machine or drink more than 2–3 cups of coffee (anything more and you’ll become dehydrated, causing you to eat more than you should). 

Focus on prepared or pre-packaged, non-processed foods you bring from home—apples with peanut butter, unsalted nuts, hummus with vegetables, whole grain bread with turkey and cheese, crackers and almond butter, fresh fruit, etc. 

2. Lunch Hour Meditation

Resist the temptation to work through lunch—it will only add to your stress level. 

Find an empty room in the office, your car if necessary or a secluded space outdoors and sit still, breath in and out, close your eyes and picture yourself on the beach. 

Imagine hearing seagulls flying overhead, and the white sand warming up your toes.

Dip your feet in the water, and watch the waves go over your feet. As each wave hits your feet, repeat this affirmation: “With each wave that passes upon me, I am being rejuvenated in mind, body and soul. As I look out at the ocean, I see the big picture of my life, and it is beautiful, serene and prosperous.” 

3. Affirmations 

“This minute is a tiny drop in my entire career, and just like all other things, I will enjoy what it teaches me, and rise above it!” 

“I believe in my ability to be a skilled professional in my career. As I recognize my talent, so do my co-workers and executives.” 

“As I go the extra mile for each and every project I take on, I am monetarily compensated for it.” 

4. Keep Track of Your Overtime (by Leaving on Time as Often as Possible!)

One of the quickest ways to become stressed is to stay past the required hour and work late into the night to prove to yourself (or your superiors) that you can take it all on—even with less sleep. Occasional overtime may be necessary, but don’t make it a habit. 

Instead, focus on overtime as a priority, and do it only when it’s necessary, not when you still have minor tasks that can wait until the morning. 

5. Become an List Maker

To avoid work stress, make to-do lists for each major work commitment you’re responsible for. Keep it handy in a weekly planner and remember to refer to it daily.

Consider the pros and cons for every goal you have.

Cross off tasks as you complete them—it will provide an instant sense of accomplishment. 

6. Avoid Office Gossip

Gossip can weigh you down—avoid water cooler chatter. In some cases, office gossip can get you fired? 

Show your boss and everyone around you that you’re positive and energetic with more important things to do than listen to gossip. 

Caught in a gossip session you can’t get out of? Change the topic casually, as if you have something pressing to talk to everyone about. 

7. Save as Much as Possible (to Avoid the Worry of Being Laid Off)

One of biggest stressors in your career could be getting laid off unexpectedly. 

Plan ahead—the common recommendation is at least three months’ worth of expenses in a savings account—although six months would be on the safe side. 

Limit your anxiety by having enough to get you through—continue focusing on the great performance you’re doing at work, and enjoy having a savings account that continues to grow. 

8. Practice Deep Breathing Throughout Your Day

Deep breathing delivers oxygen to the brain and improves its function, job performance, energy levels, and helps you make smarter choices. 

Take time to breathe when you email coworkers, listen to your boss, focus on your meeting notes, and take your client(s) out to lunch. 

Breathing helps you stay calm in stressful situations—use deep breathing throughout your day, and you’ll de-stress with each breath you take. 

9. Complete the Most Difficult Task First

Work stress is often caused by workload. 

Eliminate the hardest task first (and the one that takes up the most time)—become the opposite of a procrastinator.

Gain confidence as you complete difficult tasks first, leaving your schedule free  for the easier tasks. 

10. Visualize a Stress-free Day of Work (and It Will Become Your Reality!)

Focus on pleasing images that bring you happiness—your childhood bedroom, or walking outdoors in nature. 

Visualizations force your attention to be somewhere happy, instead of focused on the stress of your workload. 

Breath in and out, close your eyes, and imagine the sights, sounds and smells of your “happy place.” Feel instantly lighter after a few minutes of visualizing where you want to be! 

A Few Last Words …

Whether you need to maximize your work day or decrease the number of tasks on your plate, breathing deeply, being organized, working from to-do lists, avoiding what’s not important and visualizations can all decrease your stress at work.

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